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Botschafter Manfred Huterer legte gemeinsam mit den EU-Botschaftern in Belarus am 13. August in Minsk Blumen zu Ehren der Opfer von Gewaltanwendungen nach der Präsidentschaftswahl nieder

17.08.2020 - Artikel
. © Aleksandr Khmelev

. © Aleksandr Khmelev

. © Aleksandr Khmelev

Botschafter Schübel erklärte:  “It is with grief and in disbelief that my colleagues and I have witnessed the loss of life, the suffering, and the abuse of human dignity and justice in Belarus over the past days.  Ahead of tomorrow’s EU Foreign Affairs Council, we call on the incumbent authorities to guarantee the Belarusian people’s right to peaceful protest. We call on the authorities to refrain from violence, release those arbitrarily detained, and ensure due legal process.”


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