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Deutsche Botschaft zum Tod von Roman Bondarenko

13.11.2020 - Artikel

Deutsche Botschaft ist bestürzt über den Tod von Roman Bondarenko, der gestern Abend seinen schweren Verletzungen, die ihm durch brutale Polizeigewalt zugefügt wurden, erlegen ist. Unser tiefstes Mitgefühl gilt seiner Familie, Freunden und Nachbarn. Die Botschaft hat heute während einer Schweigeminute ihm und anderen Opfern von Gewalt und Willkür gedacht. Wir schließen uns dem anliegenden Statement der EU-Delegation an.

We are appalled and deeply saddened by the tragic death of the 31-year-old Raman Bandarenka who yesterday passed away in hospital from the grave injuries caused by the police brutality the day before. We express our deepest condolences to his family, friends and neighbours. Raman is yet another irreparable loss in the country's peaceful struggle for a democratic future. The Delegation of the EU to Belarus stands in solidarity with all the peacefully demonstrating Belarusians who have suffered from the hands of the Belarusian authorities. Today at 12:00, the entire staff of the EU Delegation observed a minute of silence to grieve for Raman and all other victims of the violence of the law enforcement authorities since 9 August.

All law enforcement officers carrying out criminal orders should be accountable for their illegal, arbitrary and outright brutal acts towards peaceful citizens. We will continue to call for a transparent investigation and prosecution of the perpetrators.

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